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The Golden Rules of Cold Emailing: Crafting Messages That Get Read

Written by Amado | Nov 14, 2023 8:53:00 AM

In the vast digital expanse of the 21st century, the art of cold emailing stands as a beacon of opportunity for business professionals. It's a tool that, when wielded with precision and care, can open doors to new partnerships, clientele, and growth avenues. However, cold emailing is an art draped in nuance. In an inbox overflowing with unopened emails, how does one craft a message that not only captures attention but also compels action? The key lies not only in the content of the message but also in the intricate dance of email technicalities and deliverability.

As we dive into the golden rules of cold emailing, it’s crucial to remember that this isn’t just about writing; it’s about connecting. Each email is a bridge, an attempt to reach someone across the digital void. And like any bridge, its strength lies in its foundation. Before delving into the nuances of crafting compelling content, we must first lay down the technical groundwork to ensure our messages reach their intended destination.

Absolutely, Anna! Here's a draft for a Medium article titled "The Golden Rules of Cold Emailing: Crafting Messages That Get Read":


In the digital age, cold emailing remains a vital tool for business networking, sales, and outreach. However, the art of cold emailing is much like walking a tightrope. Lean too much to one side, and you risk sounding too impersonal; too much the other way, and you might come across as overbearing. Striking the perfect balance is key, and there are some golden rules to help you craft cold emails that not only get opened but also read and responded to.

Getting the Basics Right: The Technical Foundation of Cold Emailing

Before you even begin crafting your message, it’s crucial to ensure that your email infrastructure is set up correctly. This is about making sure your emails actually reach the inbox and don’t end up in the spam folder.

Set Up SPF & DKIM Records

SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) are email authentication methods that prevent spammers from sending messages on behalf of your domain. Setting up these records correctly is crucial for email deliverability and for preventing your emails from being flagged as spam. Here's a guide on setting up SPF and DKIM.

Implement a DMARC Record

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is another key email authentication protocol. It uses SPF and DKIM to determine the authenticity of an email message. Setting up a DMARC record for your domain helps in protecting your email reputation and in increasing deliverability. Google’s support page offers a helpful overview.

Warm Up Your Domain

If you’re using a new domain for emailing, it’s important to ‘warm it up’ by gradually increasing the volume of emails sent. This helps in establishing your domain as a legitimate sender. Using an Email Warmup Service like Truly Inbox can streamline this process. Learn more about warming up your domain here.

Test Emails Before Sending

Before sending out a batch of cold emails, it’s wise to test them. Tools like Mail-Tester can help you check your emails for spam triggers and other issues that might affect deliverability. Check out Mail-Tester for email testing.

Maintain Your Sender Reputation

Your sender reputation influences how email providers view your emails. Following best practices like avoiding spammy content, respecting opt-outs, and maintaining a clean mailing list are crucial. Inboxally offers insights on maintaining a good email reputation.

Ensure Your Data Is Solid

Using a tool like Bouncer to verify your email lists can significantly improve your campaign's success rate. It helps in reducing bounce rates by ensuring that you're sending emails to valid addresses. Learn about email verification with Bouncer.

Check Your Email Deliverability

Finally, it’s important to regularly check your email deliverability. Tools like Mailgenius can help you identify potential red flags in your emails that might affect your deliverability. Here's where you can check your email deliverability.

Crafting Your Approach

The Art of Personalisation

Personalisation is the cornerstone of a successful cold email. It's about going beyond the “Hi [Name]” and diving into why you're reaching out to this specific individual. Did you come across their work online? Were you inspired by a recent article they wrote or a project they completed? This approach shows that you're not sending out a mass email but are genuinely interested in them and their work.

Value Proposition: Clear and Compelling

Your cold email should answer a fundamental question for the recipient: “What’s in it for me?” Be clear about what you are offering, whether it's a solution to a problem they might have or an opportunity they wouldn't want to miss. The trick is to be concise but persuasive — think of it as your email's elevator pitch.

Subject Line: The Make or Break

The subject line can make or break your cold email. It's the first thing the recipient sees, and it determines whether your email gets opened or sent straight to the trash. The best subject lines are short, intriguing, and give a hint of what to expect in the email — enough to pique the reader's curiosity without being clickbaity.

Writing with Clarity and Purpose

The Power of Brevity

In the world of cold emailing, brevity is your ally. Long-winded emails are likely to lose the reader's interest. Get to the point quickly and keep your sentences crisp and clear. Think about the most important information you want to convey and cut out any fluff.

Building Credibility

Establishing credibility is crucial, especially when you’re a stranger to your recipient. Mentioning a mutual connection, if you have one, can be a game-changer. If not, mentioning your relevant experience or expertise can help in building trust and showing that you're not just another spammer.

A Call to Action That Invites Engagement

Clear Next Steps

A well-defined call to action (CTA) is essential. What do you want the recipient to do after reading your email? Whether it’s scheduling a call, visiting your website, or simply replying to your email, make it clear and easy for them to take the next step.

Politeness and Professionalism

The tone of your email should strike a balance between professionalism and approachability. While you want to be respectful and polite, you also don't want to come off as overly formal or distant. A friendly, conversational tone often works best.



Mastering the golden rules of cold emailing is a step towards forging new paths in the digital world. As you apply these principles, remember, each email you send is more than just words on a screen – it’s a testament to your business acumen and commitment to meaningful communication. In an era where digital interaction is often fleeting, your cold emails stand out as a deliberate effort to connect, engage, and build lasting professional relationships.

The art of cold emailing is not just about getting responses; it's about initiating dialogues that could lead to fruitful collaborations, new clients, and untapped markets. It’s a blend of strategy and personal touch, of technical precision and human empathy. As you embark on this journey, let your emails be the voice of your brand, echoing your dedication, professionalism, and the unique value you offer.

In this fast-paced digital landscape, your ability to craft thoughtful, well-structured, and technically sound cold emails can set you apart. Embrace these principles as you navigate through the intricacies of email communication. Your next cold email could be the key that unlocks a door to numerous opportunities, a beacon that guides your business towards new horizons of success and growth.